Wheelchairs have different uses and also different types. Both the elderly and the disabled people seek the help of this equipment. They still need a wheelchair for independence and mobility purposes aside from the assistance they can ask from their caretakers.
For people who have reasonable upper body strength, manual wheelchair is best for them. Older people who have very limited ability to move are not advisable to use a manual wheelchair and better to use the powered and electric wheelchairs.
Manual wheelchairs are typical type of wheelchair that has been used during the earliest years since it is one of the pioneering types that are available in the market before.
Some samples
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Things you should consider before you purchase a manual wheelchair:
Choose the right type of frame.
Having an X brace on the center part of the wheelchair is a common feature of the manual chair. This enables the frame to be folded sideways. If you are traveling, look for better and lighter frames to make it more convenient for you.
Always prioritize the comfort of the patient.
When buying a manual wheelchair, it should fit the size of the person to use it. If it will not fit the use, it can result to muscle disorders.
Do not miss the hand rim.
A vital part of the wheelchair is the hand rim. Its diameter will greatly determine the propulsion. If you will not take into consideration, it can cause an accident.
Maintenance of the wheels.
You need to look after the wheels of this equipment. Be sure that it will provide for its steadiness. Do a habitual monitoring of its wheels for security purposes. ..CONTINUE [http://wheelchaireasyguide.useful-tips.com/9/factors-you-should-know-before-buying-a-manual-wheelchair]